Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mysore Trip - Set 1 - SDM Institute

We went for a official meet on behalf of Custommerce - a tink tank forum organised by SDM Institute and Servion (my company), to identify & discuss major challenges we face in Customer Interaction related industries and arrive at possible strategies to handle such challenges.

Last year we had a special event for Middle and Senior Managers alone at SDM Institute of Management, Mysore.

We had a real nice time during and after the event.... A fews snaps and details are below.

We were privileged & enthralled to touch and feel a 1965 model Benz 200 in the premises of SDM.

A Quick History about Merc 200:

Following the huge success of the the 190 series (over 350,000 cars in 1961), Merc did a face-lift to it and announced a more powerful 200 series in 1965. It has a Fintail rear wings and angular styling.

This one has a column mounted gear, dual circuit brakes with front discs. It was petrol engined and had a twin-carb. It produced around 95bhp.

It was famously called as the "Fintail" 200.

Our team for a few snaps....

A beautiful Nataraja in their Cafeteria

The next set details aour visit to the Mysore palace and thanks to SDM management and Mr. Raghuraman, who was kind enough to take us to a few previleged sections of the palace (restricted to common public)